Sponsor Arts Fest!
Sponsor Arts Fest!
April 13, 2020
The history of humanity has been documented, shared, and expressed through the arts since the beginning of mankind. Currently, we find ourselves in an unprecedented period of time, one which will be historically significant in future years.
Expressing ourselves in any discipline - Visual, Music, Dance, Theater, Media Art - is a way to document the story of our experience. It is also a way to support one another, find comfort, and gain inspiration as a community.
The Inside Art SGUSD Campaign is about connecting with one another, and telling our stories through the arts. Students, staff, family members, and community partners throughout San Gabriel Unified School District are invited to participate in this districtwide art project.
Want in? Here's how....
Connecting our school community through the arts.
Draw or paint a picture. Write a song. Photograph something. Do an interpretive dance. Perform a skit. Write a poem. Animate a scene. Create any type of art inspired by your experience, emotions, and thoughts during this time.
Option 1 Post on Social Media
Post your creation on social media. Tag @SGUSDvapa. Make your post public. Use this hashtag:
Though we appreciate art of all kinds, your submission must be "school appropriate" to be included in the gallery or shared via social media.